Community Cultural Hub

Community Cultural Hub

Community Cultural Hub_002This is a treasure! A central teleport hub, the CCH provides a visual depository for several hundred posters. Each of these dispenses, on demand, a landmark to the sim where the community represented by the poster is located. This will make it easy for you as a visitor to Inspiration Island to use to explore a  variety of communities from this single site.  A tremendous resource for learning.

Avatars entering the Community Cultural Hub building will see walls of colorful posters of different communities in SL.  Clicking on any one of them gives them a landmark to that place.  There is also be a small library where notecards are stored with additional information describing the communities.

The Hub is in a constant state of growth. If you would like to help add to the bank of communities to be explored, please contact Ewan Bonham or Jasmine Lordenwych. They will be glad to direct you to the interview survey being used and explain other details of the project.